The sixth and final season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air premiered on September 18, 1995, and aired its final episodes on May 20, 1996. In the series finale, the main characters all move out of the Banks Mansion to move on with their lives. Hilary's talk show moves to New York City; Ashley moves to New York with Hilary; Carlton transfers to Princeton University; Geoffrey moves back to England to be with his son; Philip, Vivian and Nicky move to New York to be closer to the rest of the family; and Will remains in California to finish his college studies. Will Smith, James Avery, Alfonso Ribeiro, Tatyana Ali, and Joseph Marcell appear in all episodes. Karyn Parsons was absent for one episode (ep. 4). Daphne Maxwell Reid was absent for five episodes and Ross Bagley was absent for eight episodes. DJ Jazzy Jeff appears in five episodes this season.
Video The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (season 6)
Maps The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (season 6)
External links
- List of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air episodes on IMDb
- List of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air season 6 episodes at
- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air at
Source of the article : Wikipedia